Browse Category: videos


I was sorting through my photos and totally forgot that I took this video of Katie. It was taken at Ishya and Billy’s a few weeks ago. So cute.

From the Rooftop

Last night AT&T Park had one of their many fireworks displays. I have no idea when or why they have them but when they go off, I get a pretty good view of the show from my rooftop. I tested out my mini tripod and “Fireworks” setting on my digi and was pretty impressed with the results.


Here’s a photo of my side of the building with the ballpark in the background. If our unit was on the other side of the hallway, I would have been able to watch the show from my livingroom window. Instead, I must go to the rooftop patio, which is already pretty cool.


Afterwards, I stayed around to take some cityscape photos, which came out surprisingly well. I just turned it to “Nightscene” mode and voila!